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Marine Popular Science Picture Book Writing and Promotion Seminar

Project Assistant:SUNG,YU-HSUAN

  Since 2015, the Ministry of Education has designated the week in which the World Ocean Day is celebrated as the Marine Education Week. Additionally, it has subsidized the Taiwan Marine Education Center in hosting the Marine Popular Science Picture Book and Ocean Poem Writing and Selection Event. This year, these two events were included in the national competition for 12-year Basic Education (open admissions) to motivate school authorities to reinforce marine education courses and events.

  On Wednesday, April 26, the Taiwan Marine Education Center hosted a seminar at the Douliou Picture Book Library, where the winning team of the 2nd Marine Popular Science Picture Book Writing and Selection Event talked about the use of digital teaching materials for ocean issues. During the first half of the seminar, the advising teacher of the winning team, who won the Junior High School High Distinction Award for “Hometown of the Yunlin Clams,” was invited to share with seminar participants how the students of the winning team were guided in writing the picture book by reading general guidelines, discussing ideas that addressed the issue, seeking partners, writing text, and designing storyboards, along with the creative suggestions the teacher gave the students according to the teacher’s interdisciplinary professional experience. The students of the winning team were invited to share with the participants the process of the creation of the picture book in person and to provide encouragement and suggestions to people who intend to create picture books in the future. During the second half of the event, the ocean issue digital textbook team introduced and demonstrated the project of Ocean TV, a digital textbook for ocean education from the Adaptive Learning website created by the Ministry of Education. Thus, teachers and students were provided rich ocean materials combined with popular science knowledge for marine art creation through picture books.


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