National Tour Special Exhibition of the Second Marine Poem Composition Contest Hosted by the Ministry of Education in the 2021

Project Assistant:CHANG,KAI-TING
In recognition of World Ocean Day on June 8, for the 2019–2020 academic year, the Ministry of Education adopted the topic of “Marine Culture” in the Curriculum Guidelines of 12-Year Basic Education, and invited students to submit entries for the Second Marine Poem Composition Contest. The submissions were divided into four groups, namely elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, and college. After a three-stage review, 67 poems were awarded. The awarded pieces were compiled in the Awarded Poems in the Second Marine Poem Composition Contest.
To encourage local governments to integrate marine education resource centers, and local social educational institutions to host marine poem promotion activities, in 2021, the Taiwan Marine Education Center began a national tour exhibition to exhibit the Second Marine Poem Composition Contest and promote marine education by using poems as the main materials for promoting reading. The propose of this tour was to enable the use of literature and the arts as diverse channels for promoting marine education and to benefit individuals who enjoy reading.
The touring exhibition of the Second Marine Poem Composition Contest hosted by the Ministry of Education was divided into different groups and conducted in different regions. Unique visual styles were tailored to match the themes of the exhibition sites and the architecture of the buildings at each location. This limited exhibition was developed to promote audiences’ enjoyment of the beauty of Taiwanese marine poems and to mentally connect them with marine education promotion activities in diverse mediums. People were impelled to learn about the ocean and emotionally connect with Taiwan’s rich marine culture.
The exhibition series began with a session at the National Central Library in Taipei City (from April 1 to April 15). Subsequent sessions were held at the National Museum of Marine Science and Technology in Keelung City (from April 20 to May 16), Yancheng Library in Tainan City (from May 12 to May 16), the Library of the Taitung County Cultural Affairs Department (from Sept. 1 to Sept. 15), National Penghu Marine and Fishery Vocational High School in Penghu County (from Oct. 1 to Oct. 21), and Penghu Aquarium (from Sept. 30 to Oct. 20). A total of seven special exhibition tours were held by the central and local governments and in community and local school locations, reaching audiences who appreciate knowledge and the beauty of culture. A total of 10,554 people participated in the event.