Ministry of Education: The 2021 Marine Education Innovation Program and Bases for Education Research and Development

Project Assistant:CHANG,KUO-CHEN
Through courses, teachers, and educational activities, the K-12 Education Administration of the Ministry of Education actively promotes the development of marine education in Taiwan to improve ocean literacy. In 2020, the Ministry of Education began promoting the Marine Education Curriculum and Education Development Program, commissioning the Taiwan Marine Education Center (TMEC) at National Taiwan Ocean University to establish the 2021 Marine Education Innovation Program and Bases for Education Research and Development (hereinafter referred to as marine education bases) in cities and counties across Taiwan. In 2021, the number of marine education bases increased to 25. On March 30, the Evergreen Maritime Museum held a charter ceremony. TMEC Director Cheng-Chieh Chang expects that these bases, which correspond to various stages of education, can extend students’ understanding of the ocean and facilitate the development of paradigms in marine education curricula.
The marine education bases use basic instruction in ocean literacy as a foundation, implementing marine education through courses, teachers, and educational activities. Regarding the curricular development of courses involving marine experience, or of content on marine education in general, various modules are formulated to further the delivery of specific knowledge, encourage students to embrace the ocean, and advance students’ concepts of sustainability and of the coexistence of humans and the ocean. As Director Chang noted, to achieve the joint goals of effectively using technological resources, cultivating talent in marine education, and promoting the development of marine education bases, the principals and the rest of the faculty members at each school planned in the curricular modules in concert in 2020. After expert review, the modules have been uploaded to the TMEC website. They are available for download and use by schools across Taiwan (website link:
The schools that serve as bases for marine education as promoted by the Ministry of Education, distributed throughout northern, central, southern, and eastern Taiwan, as well as outlying islands, comprise 11 elementary schools, 6 junior high schools, and 8 senior high schools. They are as follows: Yilan County Daxi Elementary School, Yu Ying Elementary School of Yilan County, Keelung Municipal Gungshi Elementary School, Keelung City Jian De Junior High School, Keelung City Badou Senior High School, National Keelung Senior High School, the Affiliated Keelung Maritime Senior High School of National Taiwan Ocean University, Youngji Junior High School of Taipei City, Taipei Long Men Junior High School, New Taipei City Bitou Elementary School, New Taipei City Yehliu Elementary School, New Taipei City Shimen Elementary School, New Taipei Municipal Sanzhi Junior High School, New Taipei Municipal SanChong High School, New Taipei Municipal Hsin Tien Senior High School, National Overseas Chinese Senior High School, Taoyuan Municipal Chungli Junior High School, Miaoli County Sinpu Elementary School, Changhua County Han Bao Elementary School, Tainan Municipal South District Sishu Elementary School, Kaohsiung Municipal Wunshan Senior High School, Pingtung County Donggang Township Haibin Elementary School, Taitung County Changbin Junior High School, Penghu County He-Heng Primary School, and National Magong High School.