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2020 Marine Career Experiential Teaching: School Visiting Career Seminar Tour Service

During this seminar, the tour volunteer of the National Museum of Marine Science, Hong Jian-Zhong, introduced students to ocean-related attractions near Fangyuan Township in Changhua County, such as the “Sea Buffalo Culture” (i.e., buffalo pulling carts loaded with oysters) to encourage students to develope a deeper understanding of the ocean and to increase their willingness to engage with the ocean. Additionally, Hong explained ocean security to the students to provide a foundation for marine career experiential learning.
Photo caption: During this seminar, the counseling teacher of Taoyuan Municipal Yang Ming Senior High School, Hsu Tsu-Ya, aimed to deepen the students’ understanding of Taiwan’s eight major industries through oral sharing and the use of relevant media (i.e., video clips, images, or audio recordings). The audience consisted of students from the National Keelung Girls’ Senior High School. Because the speaker herself was an alumna of National Keelung Girls’ Senior High School, she carefully selected video clips that were relevant to women in the marine industry and presented them during the seminar to help the students of National Keelung Girls’ Senior High School develop a more concrete vision of their potential future careers in the marine industry.
During this seminar, an expert scholar from the Tachypleus tridentatus specialist group of the International Union for Conservation of Nature, Species Survival Commission, Dr. Yang Ming-Je, provided the students with the opportunity to interact with an adult Tachypleus tridentatus specimen. During the session, Dr. Yang guided the students in understanding how deterioration of the marine environment affects the survival of this species and the daily life of residents of the surrounding coast. An example he shared is how the construction of Ma San Port (which is planned to be built in Jin-Sha Township in Kinmen County) may actually cause the eradication of the Tachypleus tridentatus species in Jin-Sha Township. By sharing these perspectives, Dr. Yang inspired the students’ sense of purpose and enticed them to embark on a career in marine research or environmental protection.

  Taiwan is entirely surrounded by ocean and is blessed with rich and diverse marine resources. However, most Taiwanese people are unacquainted with the development of the domestic marine industry. Consequently, most Taiwanese students are not familiar with the ocean, and very few are interested in joining the marine industry. To cultivate students’ understanding of and increase their engagement opportunities with the marine industry of Taiwan, our center guides students in understanding the ocean through marine career experiential teaching to help them select suitable career paths and open new career opportunities. In 2020, the “School Visiting Career Seminar Tour Service” opened up to elementary schools for the first time. The schools have been fairly active in submitting their applications for the service, with 35 School Visiting Career Seminars held this year, totaling to 3,032 participants comprising students, teachers, parents from elementary schools, junior high schools, and senior high schools. The speaker team consists of teacher leaders who have participated in our tour seminar speaker workshop and marine industry workers (e.g., vessel captains in the sea transportation industry, navy officers, marine organism conservation workers, and cruise journey planners). By using the unique marine features of Taiwan as starting points, the speakers sparked students’ motivation to learn about the marine industry. Additionally, the speakers also shared their own working experience in the marine industry, which helped students recognize the connections between daily life and the ocean. In addition to guiding the students in understanding the local marine industry and the relevant education pathways/employment environment, the seminars assisted students in cultivating their core abilities in career exploration and occupational skill development. This in turn helps the students envision what it would be like to take on a marine occupation.

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