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International Perspective in Ocean Literacy: Introducing Remotely Operated Vehicles in Obama, Fukui

Project Assistant:WU,PEI-SHAN

  In 2022, Taiwan Marine Education Center (TMEC) signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Wakasa High School to promote their partnership in advancing marine education. Through the integration of different educational fields with ocean issues, practical course exchange was carried out. Through the combination of literacy investigation and research, Taiwanese and Japanese students were led to earn ocean literacy in further depths.

  In 2022, Taiwan and Japan conducted an exchange in academic courses on marine resources and sustainability, including seaweed cultivation, production of processed aquatic products, and identification of seafood. In 2023, a National Science and Technology Council project was carried out in National Taiwan Ocean University; specifically, a comparison of ocean literacy between countries was conducted, and the issues related to the project were introduced. According to Director Cheng-Chieh Chang of TMEC, the National Marine Educators Association from the United States highlighted the importance of the balance between ocean economy and environment in a meeting. Protecting ocean sustainability requires Taiwanese people’s understanding of and empathic consciousness for the marine ecology, which are critical to safeguarding Earth environment.

  TMEC also invited graduate student Ya-Jhen Luo of the Institute of Education to demonstrate a remotely operated vehicle ROV, which was created by a student group and operated by students themselves. Students assembled ROV parts and tested the completed ROVs underwater to learn the principles of ROV operation and use of related tools. After the ROVs were completed, they were tested through the use of the school boat “Yunlongwan,” providing opportunities for the ROV created by each student group to operate in the sea.

  The marine education courses promoted by Taiwan and Japan were enriched through the incorporation of principles and operations in different fields, enabling students to reorganize their thinking process in ROV operation and completing marine works with unique characteristics.


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