2024 Green Level/Introductory Marine Educator Training Program Exploring Siangshan Wetland and Canoeing in Keya River: Discovering Hsinchu City’s Marine Education Resources

Project Assistant:KUO,CHIA-YU
The Green Level Marine Educator Training Program, organized by the Taiwan Marine Education Center, leverages local resources from various counties and cities to promote marine education. This year, the program centered on Hsinchu City’s marine education resources, with the curriculum focusing on marine resources and sustainability, complemented by marine leisure activities.
Taiwan’s coastline stretches approximately 1,200 km (1,520 km including the Penghu Archipelago). Because of the effects of tectonic activity, ocean waves, and wind erosion, the regions along the coast feature varying landscapes and ecosystems. On the first day, participants explored the Siangshan Wetland, which features the most extensive mudflat habitat for fiddler crabs along Taiwan’s coast. Under the guidance of an instructor, participants were encouraged to deepen their understanding of wetland and coastal ecosystems, thereby developing a sense of responsibility toward ocean conservation. On the second day, participants experienced a unique course at Ching Tsao Hu Elementary School, which, being close to Keya River, has developed several specialized programs utilizing local resources. The instructor led the participants through the school’s canoeing course, which included not only canoeing but also a pre-session on water safety and risk assessments for water activities.
During indoor sessions, the instructors implemented various teaching activities to enhance learning engagement, such as creating marine biology–related origami and conducting interactive software–based learning,. Additionally, the instructors shared experiences from outdoor education, guiding participants to reflect on the goals and objectives of designing educational activities, as well as the importance of teamwork. The aim was for participants to develop their own marine education curricula.