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Taiwan Marine Education Center Collaborates with Q Square to Promote Marine Knowledge and Enhance Water Safety Awareness

Project Assistant:LIN,MEI-CHUN

  The Taiwan Marine Education Center was invited to participate in the World Ocean Day special event organized by Q Square Taipei. Together, they planned several exciting activities. In June, a “Vivid Marine Book” ocean bookmobile exhibition was hosted at the event site to showcase an extensive collection of marine-themed books, including past works exhibited during the Ocean Education Week and educational tools developed by the Center. The bookmobile exhibition resonated with this year’s World Ocean Day theme, “Awaken New Depths.” On June 8, two special lectures were held, titled “Water Safety—Marine Disaster Prevention for You and Me” and “Marine Popular Science—New Marine Facts in Daily Life.” These lectures aimed to bring the public closer to the ocean and enhance their understanding of marine science, thereby encouraging environmental action and promoting a marine consciousness among visitors.

        In the lecture “Water Safety—Marine Disaster Prevention for You and Me,” the contract assistant research fellow Yan-Ling Lin discussed water safety topics in simple terms and explained methods for handling various marine disasters, including phenomena such as rip currents and rogue waves. Moreover, she shared practical safety knowledge and techniques. Accordingly, lecture participants learned basic water rescue skills to more effectively manage potential risks during marine activities, thereby ensuring their own and others’ safety.

In the lecture “Marine Popular Science—New Marine Facts in Daily Life,” the contract assistant research fellow Ling-Ya Hung presented rich marine science knowledge. She guided lecture participants in exploring multiple aspects of the ocean, such as blue territories, the Kuroshio Current, and marine leisure activities. The lecture also examined the various applications of marine science in daily life, and through engaging explanations and examples, deepened public understanding of the ocean and highlighted the endless charm of marine science.

        The two lectures attracted enthusiastic participation from the public and created a lively atmosphere. Participants not only gained a more profound understanding of marine knowledge but also enhanced their awareness of water safety. By becoming closer to and more knowledgeable about the ocean, they developed a deeper appreciation for the criticalness of protecting marine environments. The Taiwan Marine Education Center hopes to use this opportunity to inspire public passion and attention toward the ocean, awaken a sense of love and responsibility for the ocean, and collectively work toward protecting the environment.


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