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Sustainable Oceans Narrated in Poetry: The Ministry of Education’s Third Marine Poetry Creation Award Ceremony

Project Assistant:CHEN,CHUN-DA

  To promote the concept of loving and sustaining the ocean, the Ministry of Education held the "Third Marine Poetry Creation Award Ceremony" on June 5 at the B1 Multipurpose Performance Hall of the National Central Library to honor the award-winning teachers and students. Marine Poetry Creation competition of this year focused on the theme of "Sustainable Oceans." The competition underwent three stages of evaluation: preliminary, semi-final, and final. A total of 66 winning works were selected, comprising 18 from the elementary school category, 18 from the junior high school category, 15 from the high school category, 8 from the university category, and 7 from the teacher category.

  Since 2008, the Ministry of Education has designated marine education as a significant topic within the curriculum guidelines, encouraging schools at all levels to integrate marine education into their teaching. Additionally, since 2015, the week of June 8th, "World Ocean Day," has been designated as "Marine Education Week." The first Marine Poetry Creation competition was held in 2016, providing teachers and students with an opportunity to engage in marine education through literary creation. The award-winning works in this year's Marine Poetry Creation competition cover a wide range of topics. The winners expressed their emotions toward the ocean from various perspectives and through multiple layers of perception. These works reflect on marine life and the environment, incorporate local cultural and historical legends, and depict the coastal landscapes of their hometowns. Through these poems, readers can appreciate the marine characteristics of different regions in Taiwan and be attracted to the marine world.

  The award-winning works from this year's Marine Poetry Creation competition are exceptionally rich and captivating. They have been made available on the "Marine Education Week" section of the Taiwan Marine Education Center website at National Taiwan Ocean University. Welcome to browse these works online at:https://tmec.ntou.edu.tw/p/412-1016-11995.php?Lang=zh-tw



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